Corporate Social Responsibility

Trinidad Tissues Limited embraces the principles of responsibility toward the community and the environment and established these areas as essential parts of our business operations.  As a multinational company, we will continue striving to achieve success in a manner that demonstrates ethical values and respect for people, communities and the natural environment in which we operate. We are committed to laying a foundation that not only meets the needs of the present but will sustain many generations to come.

Corporate Social Responsibility

As the company seeks to expand its markets into to the wider Caribbean, we have actively sought to build strong ties with our surrounding communities through career opportunities, establishing strategic alliances with educational institutions and supporting community-based initiatives. We continue to offer exciting opportunities by encouraging eligible residents to build a career with us. We have also developed strategic alliances with local educational institutions such as the University of the West Indies (UWI), the nearby University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT), MIC Institute of Technology and Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business (ALJGSB). Many students have been granted the opportunity to use the company as a source to complete research projects for undergraduate and graduate programs. We continuously strive to improve social and community development and overall quality of life. This is done through the sponsorship of sport and cultural events such as community football, cricket competitions and family days.

Product Donations

We support social care institutions in the Arima district and environs though monthly product donations to Memisa Centre – Home for Special Children, Lady Hochoy Home for Special Children, Servol and The Shelter – Home for Battered Women.

We support charity organisations such as the Kiwanis Club of Trinidad and Tobago as well as Community-based fund-raising events.

Locally and regionally, we support disaster relief initiatives through product donations. Our reach includes Dominica, Cuba, Haiti, St. Maarten and Puerto Rico.